- Name:Qiyu Huang
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Room 414, Microelectronics Building
- Office Phone:34204546-1032
- Email:qiyu@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://dmne.sjtu.edu.cn/dmne/en/faculty/huangqiyu/
Research Field
Properties and applications of various porous materials;
Nanoimprint lithography for optical applications;
Emerging (dye-sensitized, Perovskite) solar cells
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Jan. 2000 - Aug. 2003
Ph.D. in EE
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Aug. 1998 - Jan. 2000
M.S. in EE
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Sept. 1997 - Aug. 1998
Peking University, Beijing, China Sept. 1992 - June 1997
B.S. in Physics
Work experience
Awards and Honors
Senior member, IEEE
Semiconductor Physics and Devices;
IC Fabrication Simulation and Laboratory;
Semiconductor Devices
1. Vladyslav Ostapchenko, Qiyu Huang*, Qing Zhang, and Chuanrui Zhao. Effect of TiCl4 Treatment on Different TiO2 Blocking Layer Deposition Methods, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., (12):2262–2271, 2017.
2. Zhe Cao, Qiyu Huang*, Chuanrui Zhao, and Qing Zhang. Study on the impact of silicon doping level on the trench profile using metal-assisted chemical etching. Electronic Materials Letters, 12(6):742–746, 2016.
3. 周伟, 黄其煜*, 焦方, 齐芳艺, 王晓晨, 郑一胄. 基于Keithley 源表的太阳能电池测试系统设计实现, 太阳能学报, 34(12):2139-2145, 2013. (Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica)
4. Yizhou Zheng, Qiyu Huang*, Shaohua Fang, Li Yang*, and Yuchou Gan. Ether-Functionalized Pyrazolium Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., (8):9558-9567, 2013.
5. Fangyi Qi, Qiyu Huang*, Fang Jiao, Yizhou Zheng, Yuchou Gan, and Jing Xie. Characterization of N719 Dye Desorption on TiO2 Nanotube Arrays used for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, 2012 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies, Xiamen, China, December 27-28, 2012.
6. Fang Jiao, Qiyu Huang*, Wangchun Ren, Wei Zhou, Fangyi Qi, Yizhou Zheng, and Jing Xie, Enhanced performance for solar cells with moth-eye structure fabricated by UV nanoimprint lithography, Microelectronic Engineering, 103:126–130, 2013.
7. 周伟, 黄其煜*, 王晓晨, 齐芳艺, 焦方, 郑一胄. 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛准固态电解质薄膜的制备和性能表征, 物理化学学报, 28(5):1134-1138, 2012. (Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica)
8. Qiyu Huang*, Lin Su, Tongdan Jin. Back-side Illuminated Photogate CMOS Active Pixel Sensor Structure with Improved Short Wavelength Response, IEEE Sensors Journal, 11(9):1993-1997, 2011.
9. Q. Huang*, W. K. Lye, and M. L. Reed. Mechanism of isolated pore formation in anodic alumina, Nanotechnology 18, 405302, 2007.
10. Q. Huang*, W. K. Lye, and M. L. Reed. Observation of isolated nanopores formed by patterned anodic oxidation of aluminum thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88(23), 233112, 2006.