- Name:Yan Li
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:1-202 1-315
- Office Phone:34207644
- Email:yan.li@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://tft-lcd.sjtu.edu.cn/?q=node/154
Research Field
3D display, Augmented reality optics, blue phase liquid crystal material and device, liquid crystal displays
Ph.D. Optics CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics University of Central Florida, US 2012
M.S. Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China 2007
B.S. Information Engineering, Zhejiang University, China 2005
Work experience
2012.10-2014.1 Senior Optical Engineer, Magic Leap Inc. US
2014.1-2017.3 Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2017.3-present Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Awards and Honors
2012 Best Employee of the Year at Magic Leap
2011 IEEE Orlando Section Scholarship
2011 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges
2011 SID Distinguished Student Paper Award
2009 SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science & Engineering
2008 Journal of the Society for Information Display Outstanding Student Paper of the Year Award
2010-2012 SID Student Travel Grants
2010-2012 Graduate Student Travel Awards
2005-2006 Zhejiang University First-grade Scholarship, Enterprise Scholarship
2004-2005 Excellent Undergraduate Thesis in Zhejiang University
3D Display Technologies
Journal Publications:
S. Huang, Y. Li, P. Zhou, S. Liu and Y. Su, “Polymer Network Liquid Crystal Grating/ Fresnel Lens Fabricated by Holography Liquid crystals”, Liquid Crystals, 10, 2016. (Accepted)
N. Rong, Y. Li, X. Li, P. Zhou, S. Liu, J. Lu and Y. Su, “Polymer-stabilized Blue-phase Liquid Crystal Fresnel Lens Cured with Patterned Light Using a Spatial Light Modulator” J. Disp. Tech., 12, 1008-1012 (2016).
Y. Li, S. Huang, P. Zhou, S. Liu, J. Lu, X. Li and Y. Su, “Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals for photonic applications”, Adv. Matt. Tech., 1600102 (2016).
X. Li, Y. Li, Y. Xiang, N. Rong, P. Zhou, S. Liu, J. Lu and Y. Su, “Highly Photorefraction-sensitive Hybrid Liquid Crystal Device for a Video-rate Holographic Display”, Opt. Express, 24, 8824-8831 (2016).
S. Liu, Y. Li, P. Zhou, X. Li, N. Rong, S. Huang and Y. Su, “A multi-plane optical see-through head mounted display design for augmented reality applications”, Best of Display Week 2016 special issue, J. Soc. Info. Disp., 24, 246-251 (2016).
Y. Li, S. Huang, N. Rong, J. G. Lu, C. P. Chen, X. Li, P. Zhou, Y. Yuan,S. Liu, G. He, and Y. Su, “Transmissive and Transflective Blue-Phase LCDs with Double-Layer IPS Electrodes”, J. Disp. Tech., 12, 122-128 (2016).
W. H. Li, D. C. Hu, Y. Li, C. P. Chen, Y. J. Lee, A. Lien, J. G. Lu and Y. Su, “Fringing field-induced monodomain of a polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal”, Appl., Phys. Lett., 107, 241105 (2015).
X. Li, C. P. Chen, Y. Li, P. Zhou, X. Jiang, W. Hu, S. Liu, G. He, J. Lu, and Y. Su “High-efficiency Video-rate Holographic Display Using Quantum Dot Doped Liquid Crystal” J. Disp. Tech., 12, 362-367 (2015).
Y. Yuan, Y. Li, C. P. Chen, S. Liu, N. Rong, W. Li, X. Li, P. Zhou, J. G. Lu, R. Liu, and Y. Su, “Polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystal grating cured with interfered visible light”, Opt. Express, 23, 20007-20013 (2015).
C. P. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Su, G. He, J. Lu, L. Qian, “Transmissive Interferometric Display With Single-Layer Fabry-Pérot Filter”, J. Disp. Tech., 11, 715-719 (2015).
W. Hu, C. Chen, Y. Li, Z. He, X. Li, P. Zhou, J. Lu, and Y. Su, “Improvement of diffraction efficiency of flat-panel coherent backlight for holographic displays”, Opt. Express, 23, 4726-4735 (2015).
Z. H. He, C. P. Chen, J. L. Zhu, Y. C. Yuan, Y. Li, W. Hu, X. Li, H. J. Li, J. G. Lu, and Y. K. Su, “Electrically tunable holographic polymer templated blue phase liquid crystal grating,” Chin. Phys. B, 24, 064203 (2015).
X. Li, C. Chen, Y. Li, X. Jiang, H. Li, W. Hu, G. He, J. Lu and Y. Su, “Color holographic display based on azo-dye-doped liquid crystal” (Invited Paper), Chin. Opt. Lett., 12, 060003 (2014).
S. Xu, Y. Li and S. T. Wu, “Fast-Response Liquid Crystal Microlens,” Micromachines, 5, 300-324 (2014).
Y. Liu, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu, “Polarization independent adaptive lens with two different blue phase liquid crystal layers,” Appl. Opt., 52, 3216-3220 (2013).
J. P. Cui, Y. Li, J. Yan, H.C. Cheng, and Q. H. Wang, “Time-multiplexed dual-view display using a blue phase liquid crystal,” J. Disp. Technol., 9, 87-90 (2013).
Y. Li, Y. Chen, J. Yan, Y. Liu, J. P. Cui, Q. H. Wang, and S. T. Wu, “Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal with a negative Kerr constant,” Opt. Mater. Express, 3, 1135-1140 (2012).
Y. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Li, and S. T. Wu, “Polarization independent blue-phase cylindrical lens with a resistive film”, Appl. Opt., 51, 2568-2572 (2012).
Y. Li, Y. Chen, J. Sun, S. T. Wu, S. H. Liu, P. J. Hsieh, K. L. Cheng, and J. W. Shiu, “Dielectric dispersion on the Kerr constant of blue phase liquid crystals”, Appl., Phys. Lett., 99, 181126 (2011).
C. T. Lee, Y. Li, H. Y. Lin, and S. T. Wu, “Design of polarization-insensitive multi-electrode GRIN lens with a blue-phase liquid crystal”, Opt. Express, 19, 17402-17407 (2011).
Y. Li and S. T. Wu, “Transmissive and transflective blue-phase LCDs with enhanced protrusion electrodes”, J. Disp. Technol., 7, 359-361 (2011).
J. Yan, L. Rao, M Jiao, Y. Li, H. C. Cheng, and S. T. Wu, “Polymer-stabilized optically isotropic liquid crystals for next-generation display and photonics applications”, (Feature article) J. Mater. Chem., 21, 7870-7877 (2011).
Y. Li and S. T. Wu, “Polarization independent adaptive microlens with a blue-phase liquid crystal”, Opt. Express, 19, 8045-8050 (2011).
C. L. Lin, C. D. Tu, C. C. Hung, W. K. Chou, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu, “Transflective LCDs with two TFTs and single data line”, J. Disp. Technol., 7, 226-228 (2011).
J. Yan, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu, “High-efficiency and fast-response tunable phase grating using a blue phase liquid crystal”, Opt. Lett., 36, 1404-1406 (2011).
Y. Li, M. Jiao, and S. T. Wu, “Transflective display using a polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystal”, Opt. Express, 18, 16486-16491 (2010).
J. Yan, H. C. Cheng, S. Gauza, Y. Li, M. Jiao, L. Rao, and S. T. Wu, “Extended Kerr effect of polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 071105 (2010).
M. Jiao, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu, “Low voltage and high transmittance blue-phase liquid crystal displays with corrugated electrodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 011102 (2010).
Y. Li, T. X. Wu, and S. T. Wu, “A broadband wide-incident-angle reflective polarization converter”, J. Soc. Info. Disp., 17, 849-852 (2009).
Y. Li, T. X. Wu, and S. T. Wu, “Design optimization of reflective polarizers for LCD backlight recycling”, J. Disp. Technol., 5, 335-340 (2009).
Y. Li, Z. Ge, and S. T. Wu, “A simple transflective LCD for mobile applications”, J. Disp. Technol., 5, 319-322 (2009).
M. Jiao, S. Gauza, Y. Li, J. Yan, S. T. Wu, and T. Chiba, “Negative A-plates for broadband wide-view liquid crystal displays”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, 101107 (2009).
Y. Li, Z. Ge, R. Lu, M. Jiao, and S. T. Wu, “Fast-response liquid crystal displays using crossed fringe fields”, J. Soc. Info. Disp., 16, 1069-1074 (2008).
Conference Presentations and Magazines:
Y. Li, Y. Su, X. Li and S. Liu, “True 3D displays based on liquid crystals”,Conference on Three Dimensional Image Acquisition and Display Technology 2016 (3DIADT2016), Jinhua, Zhejiang, China, Oct. 2016. (Invited Talk)
Y. Li, Y. Su, X. Li and S. Liu , “Fatigue free 3D displays based liquid crystals”, 2016 Flat Panel Displays China, Hefei, Anhui, China, Sept. 2016. (Invited Talk)
Y. Li, Y. Su, X. Li and S. Liu, “Fatigue free 3D displays using liquid crystals Beijing” 2016 Annal Physics Meeting, Beijing, China, Sept. 2016. (Invited Talk)
Y. Li, S. Huang and Y. Su, “Diffractive devices based on blue phase liquid crystals”, Proc. SPIE 9940, Liquid Crystals XX, 99400Z, San Diego, CA, USA, Aug. 2016. (Invited Talk)
Y. Li, Y. Su, X. Li and S. Liu, “True 3D displays based liquid crystals”, The 8th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, Shanghai, China, July 2016. (Invited talk)
Y. Li, Y. Yuan, S. Huang, N. Rong and Y. Su, “Polarization independent photonic devices based blue-phase liquid crystal thin films”, The 8th International Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings, Singapore, July 2016. (Invited talk)
S. Liu, Y. Li, X. Li, P. Zhou, N. Rong, Y. Yuan, S. Huang and Y. Su, “A Multi-Plane Volumetric Optical See-Through Head-Mounted 3D Display SID Display” SID Display Week 2016, San Francisco, CA, May 2016. (Nominated as SID Outstanding Paper)
S. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Yuan, N. Rong, X. Li, P. Zhou, S. Liu, Y. Su and J. Lu, “Polymer-Network Liquid-Crystal Grating Cured with Interfered Visible Light”, SID Display Week 2016, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
N. Rong, Y. Li, Y. Yuan, X. Li, P. Zhou, S. Huang, S. Liu, J. Lu and Y. Su, “Polymer-Stabilized Blue-Phase Liquid-Crystal Fresnel Lens Cured by Patterned Light Using a Spatial Light Modulator”, SID Display Week 2016, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
P. Zhou. Y. Li, X. Li, S. Liu, N. Rong, Y. Yuan, S. Huang and Y. Su, “An Updatable Holographic 3D Display with Accommodation Based on Photorefractive Doped Liquid Crystals”, SID Display Week 2016, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
Y. Li, Y. Su, X. Li and S. Liu, “Fatigue-free 3D displays based on liquid crystals”, SLCP 2016, Beijing, China, April 2016. (Invited talk)
Y. Li, S. Liu and Y. Su, “Fatigue-free 3D Display Technologies in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applications” Chinese Flat Panel Display Conference, Shanghai, China, March 2016. (Invited Talk)
P. Zhou, Y. Li, C. Chen, X. Li, W. Hu, N. Rong, Y. Yuan, and Y. Su, “Multi-Plane Holographic Display with a Uniform 3D Gerchberg-Saxton Algorithm”, SID Display Week 2015, San Jose, CA, May 2015.
X. Li, P. Zhou, Y. Li, C. Chen, X. Jiang, W. Hu, N. Rong, Y. Yuan, S. Liu and Y. Su, “Temperature dependence of dynamic holographic displays using doped liquid crystals,” SID Display Week 2015, San Jose, CA, May 2015.
W. Hu, C. P. Chen, Y. Li, Z. He, X. Li, P. Zhou, J. Lu and Yikai Su, “Flat-Panel Coherent Backlight for Holographic Displays with Improved Diffraction Efficiency”, SID Display Week 2015, San Jose, CA, May 2015.
Y. Yuan, Y. Li, C. Chen, N. Rong, X. Li, W. Hu, P. Zhou, J. Lu, and Yikai Su, “Polymer-Stabilized Blue-Phase Liquid Crystal Cured with a Visible Laser”, SID Display Week 2015, San Jose, CA, May 2015.
Y. Li, Y. Su and S. T. Wu, “Blue-phase Liquid-Crystal Gratings,” Symposium on Liquid Crystal Photonics 2015, Shenzhen, China, April 2015. (Invited Talk)
Y. Li,“Tunable Blue-phase Liquid-crystal Gratings”, Applied Optics and Photonics China 2015, Beijing, China, May 2015. (Invited talk)
Y. Li, Y. Su and S. T. Wu, “Blue-phase Liquid-Crystal Devices for 3D applications,” Progress on PIERS, Guangzhou, China, August 2014 (Invited Talk).
Y. Su, X. Li, C. P. Chen and Y. Li, “A real-time holographic display using doped liquid crystals”, SPIE Newsroom, 29th, Sept., 2014.
Y. Liu, H. Ren, S. Xu, Y. Li, and S. T. Wu,“Fast-response liquid-crystal lens for 3D displays”, Proc. SPIE 9005, Advances in Display Technologies IV, 900503, Feb., 2014.
C. Chen, Y. Yang, Y. Li, G. He, J. Lu, Y. Su, and L. Qian, “Single-Layer Fabry-Pérot Interferometric Display
Y. P. Chang, M. H. Yang, C. C. Tsai, Y. Li, M. Jiao, and S. T. Wu, "Display Device", U.S. patent, 8,736,800.(2014/05/27)
张郁培, 杨明桓, 蔡镇竹, 李燕, 焦美子, 吴诗聪,显示装置,2015/5/20, 中国,申请号201210194954.1 授权公告号CN 102841472 (Granted Chinese Patent)
李燕,苏翼凯,荣娜,陈超平,陆建钢,吴佳旸,高武然,空间光调制器及其光场三维显示系统,2016/10/05,中国发明授权专利,申请号201410075523.2 授权公告号 CN103777432B (Granted Chinese Patent)
高武然,李燕,陈超平,李潇,苏翼凯,一种用于三维光场动态显示的新型像素结构,2016/09/07,中国发明专利申请,申请号201410265122.3,授权公告号 CN 104076518B (Granted Chinese Patent)