Course selection and grade notice for graduate students in autumn semester 2020








三、选课开放时间结束后,不可增选、退选、改选课程;选课学生须按课表参加课程学习;未选课学生不得参加课程学习、课程考核; 选课完成后请查看课表,以核对所选课程;。




















Course selection and grade notice for graduate students in autumn semester 2020


The fall 2020 graduate course will begin on September 7, and some courses will begin on September 14. The relevant course selection matters are hereby notified as follows:


1、   Postgraduate course selection should be carried out under the guidance of the training plan. Graduate students are requested to complete the formulation and revision of individual training plan according to the discipline or project training plan under the guidance of tutor before course selection. The opening period for revision and formulation of training plan is the same as that of course selection.


2、   The public courses of politics and language for full-time graduate students of grade 2020 shall be arranged by the school according to the requirements of various disciplines' training programs. Other courses shall be selected by postgraduates themselves according to the personal training plan during the course selection period. Some of the courses of teaching classes are arranged by schools, colleges and departments. If it is necessary to modify the teaching classes, they can withdraw or select courses within the course selection period; if students can not choose courses again because the number of students in the teaching class is full, they shall be responsible for their own responsibility. Please contact Mr. Jiang from the training office of Graduate School for public courses at 34206121, ;


3、   After the opening time of course selection, no additional courses, no withdrawal courses, no new courses are allowed; students who choose courses must participate in course learning according to the timetable; students who have not selected courses are not allowed to participate in course learning and course assessment; after the course selection is completed, please check the timetable to check the selected courses;


4、 Training plan formulation, revision and course selection system opening time:

Old student: 8:00, September 01 to 20:00, September 07

Freshmen: 8:00, September 05 to 20:00, September 18

5、 Please submit the application through the system re examination port during the course selection period of the old students.

6、 To modify the training plan, please log in with jaccount For course selection, please log in to the postgraduate course selection website conduct.

7、 Course results and re examination

1. Please be sure to take all final examinations seriously. If you fail to pass the examination in the training plan, you must apply for retake (re examination), but you cannot replace or cancel them;

If the average grade point (GPA) of the completed courses does not meet the standard of 2.70, the courses with a score lower than B - (excluding B -) can be selected from the courses included in the GPa for re examination. With the consent of the teacher, the re examination is not required. Each course should not be retaken more than 2 times; those who fail to pass the re examination after two times should be dropped out.

2. Re examination (re examination) by the graduate students themselves in the "graduate education management information system" in the second week of the autumn semester before Wednesday, the re examination (re examination) application can be added to the teaching class after being approved by the college and graduate school.

3. For those who fail in the original course, those whose scores reach B - or above after re examination (re examination) shall be recorded according to b-records, and those whose scores are below b-shall be recorded according to their actual scores.

If you have any questions during the course selection, please contact Mr. Chen of the graduate educational administration office, 。

[ 2020-09-01 ]