Ministry of Education approves the appointment of the new National Key Laboratory Director and Academic committee Director of Fiber-Optic Communication Networks & Advanced Optical Communication Systems

The first plenary meeting of the new semester in 2013 school year has been held by National Key Lab-Fiber-Optic Communication Networks & Advanced Optical Communication Systems(joint of Peking University and Shanghai Jiaotong University) in September 9 2013.

    Vice President of Hong Mei、research centers Vice President of Xinping Guan、SEIEE President of Junfa Mao、the secretary of  Yuezeng Su、Electronic Head of Xingzhao Liu、the secretary of Zhenmin Xue and all the laboratory personnel attend the meeting.  The meeting is chaired by Zhang Xianming ,who is the leader of research institutes platform base. Hong Mei, on behalf of the university,read the appointed letter of Ministry of Education on the new director of the laboratory. Zuyuan He,who is the national "one thousand program" experts, helds the post of the director of the new laboratory, President of the PLA information engineering university WuJiangXing is appointed as the new laboratory director of academic committee。

    All the leaders give full affirmation on the work of evaluation period and achievements to the new laboratory leadership,hoping that the lab,as the national team of optical communication research, meeting the national strategic needs in the field of optical communication ,can do better on the new the work of evaluation period under the guidance of the new leadership and get better grades on the assessment of the ministry of science and technology in 2017.

    Zuyuan He makes a report on the new round evaluation period work planning and decorates the lab work in this semester on behalf of the new lab leadership. All the teachers of the lab discuss the development strategy on the period of evaluation.

[ 2013-09-16 ]