
学术讲座 [14-06-19] THINK LIKE AN ADVERSARY SECURITY ANALYSIS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS [14-06-13] Secret Sharing and Its Applications [14-06-13] Dynamic Brillouin Gratings: A new tool in fibres for all-optical processing and sensing [14-06-13] A Game-Theoretic Approach for Resilient, Robust and Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems [14-06-12] Progress and Advances in Video Technology [14-06-10] Secret Sharing and Its Applications [14-06-05] Architectural Design for Collaborative Cognitive Radio Networks [14-05-30] Just FUN: A Joint Fountain Coding and Network Coding Approach to Loss-Tolerant Information Spreading [14-05-28] Neuromorphic Methods and Systems for Machine Learning and Predictive Data Modelling on Streams of Spatio-Temporal or Temporal Data [14-05-26] 特邀学术报告:研制高性能薄膜晶体管 [14-05-22] 学术研讨会 [14-05-19] Convex Optimization: Theory and Algorithms [14-05-19] New developments in extremum seeking control and their application [14-05-14] Combinatorial Virtual Machine Auctions [14-05-12] Event-Triggered Control of Multi-Agent Systems [14-04-29] Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis [14-04-28] Complex Dynamical Networks, Synechronization and Topology Identification [14-04-23] Recent Advanced in Wireless and Mobile Networks [14-04-22] 上海交通大学-悉尼科技大学2014年度智能系统研讨会 [14-04-17]