
Data Rate Theorems for Stabilization of Networked Linear Systems [14-04-17] Future driving: the automated, autonomous and cooperative challenges [14-04-15] 学术报告会——鲁棒控制与故障诊断:基础及应用 [14-04-11] Sensing and Recognition When Primary User has Multiple Transmit [14-04-10] AEMD系列技术研讨会——Plasma-Therm Technical Workshop: Fundamentals of Plasma Processing (Etching and Deposition) [14-04-03] 多自主体系统集体行为的分析与干预 [14-03-25] 社会认知与行为科学研究系列学术沙龙6 [14-03-25] 图像所引智计划系列讲座:大数据流中低层与高层惊奇事件检测及在图像视频处理中的应用 [14-03-19] Call for papers for the 6th International Summer School on Radar/SAR [14-03-18] Deep learning in pedestrian detection [14-01-14] Metamorphic Testing: Its Role and Impact in Software Testing, Software Proving and Fault Localization [14-01-07] From Bayesian Inference to Evidential Reasoning [14-01-07] Mobile Social Media: Recent Advances and Challenges [14-01-03] Estimating Heights from Photo Collections: A Big Data Approach [13-12-23] Recent Advances in Online Object Tracking [13-12-11] Tackling Usability Challenges in Querying and Exploring Entity Graphs [13-12-11] Estimating Heights from Photo Collections: A Big Data Approach [13-12-11] Parallel Analytics as a Service [13-12-11] Robot Based Simulation and Automation Approach for Agriculture [13-12-11] Intelligent Systems and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps [13-12-09]