u Networks formed from interdependent
u Stabilising control of multi-machine power
systems with transmission losses based on pseudo-generalised Hamiltonian theory,石访,电气工程系;
u Throughput and Delay Analysis for Convergecast
with MIMO in Wireless Networks,傅洛伊,电子工程系;
u Identity based signature scheme based on
cubic residues,邢东升,计算机科学与工程系;
u Hydrodynamics and mass transfer
characteristics in an internal loop airlift reactor with different spargers,罗利佳,自动化系;
u Optical Isolation Based on Nonreciprocal
Micro-Ring Resonator,朱海滨,电子工程系;
u Rank-SIFT: Learning to Rank Repeatable
Local Interest Points,李冰,计算机科学与工程系;
u EPF:An Event-aided Packet Forwarding
Protocol for Privacy-preserving Mobile Healthcare Social Networks,陈乐,计算机科学与工程系;
u Electromagnetically induced transparency in
hybrid plasmonic dielectric system,唐斌,电子工程系;
u Risk assessment of grain security in China
by using the AHP and DST methods,苏晓燕,仪器科学与工程系;
u MobiGame: A User-Centric Reputation-based
Incentive Protocol for Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks,魏立婓,计算机科学与工程系;
u Hybrid Tdie-Tdpo Method For Studying On
Transient Responses Of Some Wire And Surface Structures Illuminated By An
Electromagnetic Pulse,罗伟,电子工程系;
u VOFDM: On Performance Limits over
Multi-path Rayleigh Fading Channels,程鹏,电子工程系;
u Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs of MotionCast
with Base Stations,傅洛伊,电子工程系;
u Robustness of a network of networks,高建喜,电子工程系;
u Voltage and frequency control of an
islanded power system based on wind-battery hybrid generation,彭思敏,电气工程系;
u Fully Secure Multi-Authority
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption without Random Oracles,刘振,计算机科学与工程系;
u 振动分析法检测突发短路时变压器绕组状态的理论建模与试验研究,陆启宇,电气工程系;
u Risk analysis of physical protection system
based on evidence theory,许培达,仪器科学与工程系;
u Bi-directional Inductive Contactless Power
Transfer System Modeling,白亮宇,电气工程系;